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March 17th 2011

Updates to Government Support for Businesses

On March 17 Mark Prisk, Minister of State for Business and Enterprise, announced a streamlined and refocused Solutions for Business portfolio. The range of Solutions for Business products will be rationalised and simplified during this financial year.

Access to sustainable finance is essential if businesses are to invest and grow. As the economy recovers, it is crucial to ensure that the supply of finance supports demand and business confidence.

The Government is developing a new approach to supporting business improvement and growth; it’s changing the way business support is managed and delivered both nationally and locally. Along with other Regional Development Agencies (RDA’s), the NWDA will close by 31st March 2012. The transition towards closure has meant a number of the NWDA’s business support products are no longer available.

Access to appropriate finance will be key to ensuring that businesses are able to survive and expand. If you’re unsure about the help you need, a good place to start is the free advice and support offered by the Access to Finance service available through Business Link North West.

For more information and to keep up to date on what is changing, visit the Business Link website.